Monday, September 30, 2019

Mill vs kant Essay

The writings of John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant present very different ideas concerning the Ethical Problem. Mill’s ideas are referred to as Utilitarianism. In this system of thought, the basic belief is that happiness is the greatest goal and actions should be judged by their ability to provide the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people. Kant, the Deontologist, believed that it is not the result of the action that is important, but the action itself. He advocated a moral rule based on reason. The basic ideas found in these philosophers’ writings lead me to see Mill’s argument as the more plausible solution to the ethical problem. He believed that morality is associated with happiness and his idea that greater happiness for the greatest number of people should be the ultimate goal appears to be a worthy ambition. This would contribute to social order and supports our accepted ideas that actions such as murder are wrong. There are two definitions included in his writing which explained his ideas more clearly to me. The first was â€Å"The Greatest Happiness Principle, which was defined as actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness† ( ) Happiness is defined as â€Å" pleasure and the absence of pain†( )Based on my own experience it is plausible to believe most of us are seeking pleasure and attempting to avoid pain; if these attempts are designed to provide the most happiness to the most people, it would appear we are attempting to be moral. This also seems to be common sense, pleasure is good and pain is bad; regardless of other beliefs most people do accept this. The effects on a society, where people are attempting to provide the most pleasure for the most people, cannot be overlooked. This type of society would be more fair and peaceful since everyone must consider the needs of others equal to their own. This idea that morality of an action is based on the amount of happiness it produces for the most people can be understood and possibly studied. It appears that if sociologists or psychologists could determine what makes people happy, we might be able to design social policies that would benefit society by increasing the happiness of a larger number of people. Mill recognizes that â€Å"some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others† ( 37 text) and feels it would be ridiculous to think that pleasure should only be measured by quantity and that his pleasure principal would turn humans into unhappy irrational animals only interested in less valuable pleasure. ( text ) The deontological moral theory of Kant is very different from the Utilitarian theory of Mill, and in my opinion much more difficult to read and understand. He believes that whether or not an action is right or wrong, moral or immoral â€Å"does not depend on the consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty. † (3) This was based on his belief that there was a supreme principle of morality that he referred to as the Categorical Imperative. (4) This philosophy also required that two questions be asked before any action is taken. They are:† Can I rationally will that everyone act as I purpose to act? â€Å"There is only one categorical imperative. It is: Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. † (Text) I believe he is arguing . if you don’t think everyone should take this action, you should not. â€Å"Does my action respect the goals of human beings rather than merely using them for my own purposes? (5) He also felt that the motivation for your actions determined if you were acting as a good and moral person. It is the motivation based on morality which is important not the consequences of the action. To Kant giving money to charity because it is deductable on your income tax is not a moral action; Mill would consider it moral because the happiness of some people is increased. Kant believed duty was more important than happiness and unhappiness should not affect your willingness to do your duty. The things he believed and the questions he asked were based on the idea that moral rules are based on reason. I also have difficulty accepting his idea that if two people reasoning logically they will arrive at the same conclusion, if we don’t arrive at the same conclusion who is moral? These ideas led him to create a very ridged view of morality. Things `that violate the categorical imperative are always wrong, no acceptations, and things that are good are always good. I cannot accept the idea that we become moral as the result of reasoning particularly when he indicates that at some point we stop any type of reasoning and accept absolutes. It is difficult not to realize that much of what we view as moral is the result of what we have been taught by our parents and institutions in our society. He gives no consideration to any differences in societies. When I compared the ideas of Kant and Mill, I find Mill’s work more plausible. I find Kant’s the idea that we become moral through reason very hard to accept particularly when you consider how differently societies define morality. Mill bases his ideas on the very simple idea human seek pleasure and attempt to avoid pain; therefore if your actions contribute to providing the most pleasure to the greatest number of people you are moral. Kant claimed not to be against happiness, but saw it as of much less importance than duty.

Pros and Cons of Single-Sex School on Students

PROS & CONS OF SINGLE-SEX SCHOOL ON STUDENTS Pros & Cons of Single-Sex School on Students INTRODUCTION Single-sex school has not been a stranger to us even from back in those old days. It practically shows how gender differences and effects caused by it had largely impacted on the society. People learnt how the attraction between Adam and Eve kind brings a lot of many things, including the separation of these two kinds through – one of the most important thing to the society, the education. According to the article ‘What is Single Sex  Education? Defining Single-Gender  Education’ by Amanda Morin,  Single-Sex education are the practice of educating girls and boys in separate classes or schools. Just like many other co-educational schools, single-sex ones are no exception to the ‘villains and angels’ of this issue. There has been a lot of discussion regarding the pros and cons of single-sex school, which would be my focus in the essay. Pro, based on the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, are something that are in favour of. Hence, con would be the opposite meaning of pro, meaning disadvantages of something, issues or problems.Before 1900, education in America was contained largely within a single-sex framework (Bracey, 2007). That structure was the result of societal views, expectations, and opportunities for each gender. As a rule, males required greater formalized education to facilitate their expected worldly occupations, and females received a much less formalized education, rich in the practical skills necessary for their anticipated domestic life. Males and females required such different educational experiences and subject matter that they were educated separately (Cohen, 2000).There were long and storied history in American higher education about single-sex colleges and universities where a few original colleges in U. S. existed – though that is to educate men only. However, in the early 1800s severa l seminaries for women were founded to provide girls with a liberal education. Post Civil War has also produced the women's colleges of the Northeast, whom been wishing to demonstrate that women were as capable of achieving advanced education as were men. By 1950 the percentage of women in higher education dropped to a low of 30 percent, and enrolment at many of the single-sex institutions began to decline.The 1960s and 1970s saw a more pronounced shift away from single-sex institutions toward coeducation. The history of one’s place or issue could probably make us understand better, whereas would help us to elaborate more on the matter. The focus in this essay would be the advantages and disadvantages of single-sex school, from two different perspectives – academically, and socially. ADVANTAGES As we all know it, boys and girls inhibit and exhibit different learning style and learning outcomes. Research has shown that boys and girls brains are different, they are progr ammed to learn distinct ways.It is not saying that one gender is inferior to the other, they are just different. Single sex education has been shown to reduce stereotypes based on gender rather than promote them. Factors such as smaller classrooms and teacher training are factors of a good school and many single sex schools offer those variables, in addition to offering different and specialized teaching styles which also may improve the quality of education. From the book entitled ‘Early Implementation of Public Single-Sex School : Perceptions and Characteristics’ , its study team has contacted all 20 schools the U.S. Department of Education identified as public single-sex schools in 2003. It shows academic behaviours in 164 single-sex classrooms and 45 coed classrooms in the single-sex and coed schools visited. Students in the single-sex elementary, middle, high schools, were more likely to complete homework than were students in the coed comparison elementary and mid dle school, but no study on high school were included. One public charter school in Northeast Indianapolis namely Charles A. Tindley Accelerated School, segregates academic classes for its younger students.Overall, the policy has been positive, resulting in better grades and fewer distractions. On the social side of this matter, Rosemary Salomone, professor of law at St. John’s University and author of the 2003 book Same, Different, Equal: Rethinking Single-Sex Schooling, said that: â€Å"Many students in single-sex classes report feeling more comfortable raising their hands and expressing uncertainty regarding a lesson or topic without fear of embarrassment or teasing from the opposite sex. † Boys tend to soften up and become more collaborative as they can just be boys and not worry about what the girls might think in a single sex setting.Girls become competitive, bold, and a risk-taker which also give girls the opportunity to take on leadership roles and interact wit h women in positions of leadership. National Coalition of Girls' Schools had conducted a survey which 93% of the women surveyed felt that they had more leadership opportunities and that 63% felt they were well-prepared for the â€Å"real world. † DISADVANTAGES On the surface, it is undeniably true that most single-sex schools do well academically, by saying that the gender gap between girls and boys has been overcome. However, by separating them, the gender gap are still there, but not always seen.Over the past 10 years, 130 independent schools that taught girls and boys separately have either become co-educational or closed. Some schools now offer single-sex lessons in an attempt to close the gender gap that has seen girls overtake boys in achievement. This gender gap is about the fact where boys are always lagging behind girls, and if practiced through placing them in a same sex school, it should probably causes the fact that all-boys’ school lagging behind all-girls ’ school. From the article ‘All-boys school are not the answer’ by Oli De Botton, in practice, the single-sex question is a distraction from what really matters.It sounds obvious, but both boys and girls will do better if they are taught better by excellent teachers. That means skilled teachers whom can attract and teach the students well – regardless of their gender. Kids that are able of responding to all learning environments are better, which they can break out from their comfort zone. Let boys and girls learn together, taught by the best teachers we can find. A new report, published in the journal Science, states that single-sex schools’ students are no better educated than those who attend co-ed schools. The study has also noted that a review commissioned by the U. S.Department of Education found only, little overall difference in academic outcomes between children in single-sex schools versus those in co-ed schools. The professor of psycholog y and education at Penn state, Lynn Liben says that â€Å"There's really no good evidence that single-sex schools are in any way academically superior, but there is evidence of a negative impact,† Another disadvantage would be students’ socialization. The article ‘Co-ed vs. Single-sex schools’ by ULS. com has said that a wider range of people allows the interaction of students of both sexes which allow them to learn how to work and talk to people of the opposite sex.This, though does not happen in a single-sex school causing lack social skills of the students of a single-sex school. Furthermore, the all-boys and all-girls situation might lead to other case such as homosexual. Ghanaweb. com has reported that how their Ghana Education Service has conceded that single-sex schools in Ghana are becoming the place where homosexuals breed. Stephen Adu, the Deputy Director General of the GES told Citi News, that he disagree to the way of dealing with the situation with converting such schools into mixed school. Instead he thinks holistic approach is required to deal with the situation.He added, â€Å"I will agree that homosexuality and lesbianism started with single-sex schools. It has become prevalent and so more people have become aware of it. This is just one of the many problems we have in our educational system†. OPINION In my opinion, single-sex school is neither good or bad. It is the matter of how people work, consider and tolerate it. Elizabeth Weil, in her article titled ‘Teaching Boys and Girls Separately’ stated that the United States Department of Education, along with the American Institute for Research, published a meta-analysis comparing single-sex and coed schooling.The authors started out with 2,221 citations on the subject that they then whittled down to 40 usable studies. Yet even those 40 studies did not yield strong results: 41 percent favored single-sex schools, 45 percent found no positive or negat ive effects for either single-sex or coed schools, 6 percent were mixed (meaning they found positive results for one gender but not the other) and 8 percent favored coed schools. I have one friend of mine, ex single-sex’s school student, whom has such different way of thinking. She’s a feminist, has such a hard time trusting guys and has limited social skills.She doesn’t know how to interact with boys especially, even with the girls sometimes. This is what I can see from her. My evaluation and interpretation might be wrong as I am not an expert. As academically, she’s a perfectionist, hardworking, competitive and a bright student indeed. But her low self-esteem and lack of social skills penetrated her from speaking in class as she doesn’t have the ability of delivering what she wanted to say. What I can see is that single-sex school benefit so much on the academic side, as students really focuses on studying because there is no other distraction an d attraction at school.They really want to compete with each other, curious and wanting to know their ability because they think they have the same capabilities, just at different levels. However, it is sad to compare to their socialization, because single-sex school changes the way they think. They got used to the all-girls or all-boys situation that they end up being sexist, which then later lead to cases like homosexuals. CONCLUSION. Boys and girls are obviously different in nature, and vary in their likings and favourites. What people do not know is a little bit of understanding in these differences could bring such a vast improvement on students.Socialization and academic are both important, and must be balanced well in order to have a fully accomplished life. Pros and Cons are unavoidable where we can’t really choose the good one instead of the bad one but to accept both willingly and somehow work with it. REFERENCES References : RMC Research Corporation Portland, Ore. (August, 2008). Early Implementation of Public Single-Sex Schools : Perceptions and Characteristics. Bradley, K. (n. d. ) The Impact of Single-Sex Education on the Performance of First and Second Grade PUBLIC School Students.Kreyden, V. (March, 2011). Multiple benefits of single-sex classes. Retrieved from : http://blogs. indystar. com/ypress/2011/03/01/multiple-benefits-of-single-sex-classes/ Morin, A. (n. d. ) What is Single-Sex Education? :Defining Single-Gender Education. Retrieved from : http://childparenting. about. com/od/schoollearning/a/what-is-single-sex-education-def. htm Weil, E. (March, 2008). Teaching Boys and Girls Separately. Retrieved from : http://www. nytimes. com/2008/03/02/magazine/02sex3-t. html? pagewanted=all (e-news) APPENDICES

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Virtue of Forgiveness

The Virtue of Forgiveness Under the circumstances, the human may rush in making his decisions, so the consequences will be more negative than the actions resulting from these decisions, so it will be better if he does not make these decisions. It's important for man to pardon so he can cope up with the milieu he is living; We stop here to mention some features of the Prophets (blessing and peace be upon him) forgiveness in his dealing with people. These are useful and great lessons in every place and time.Forgiveness is when someone refrains from retaliating, although he is capable of doing so. This is one of the qualities that reflect perfection of manners and nobility of character. ‘Aa`ishah said: â€Å"It was never that the Prophet had a choice between two matters but he chose the easiest of the two, as long as it was not something displeasing to Allaah, and if it was a sin, then he was the farthest from it. Further, never did he take revenge for anything personal, unless i t had to do with the commandments of and limits set by Allaah. Additionally, on the day of the bloodless conquest of Makkah, although he was capable of punishing and killing them, the Prophet pardoned the people of the Quraysh, despite the torture and crimes they had committed against him and his companions in the earlier days of Islaam. Furthermore, a Jewish woman came to Muhammad and offered him poisoned sheep’s meat to eat, but, miraculously, the meat warned the Prophet against consuming it. When he discovered what she had done, he asked for her motive, to which she replied: â€Å"I wanted to kill you. † Thereupon, he said to her: â€Å"Never may Allaah enable you to do so. Then his companions asked: â€Å"Should we kill her? † He replied: â€Å"No. † Overlook people `s fault with gracious forgiveness The Prophet (blessing and peace be upon him) takes (the) forgiveness from the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty said: â€Å"{ So overlook ( O Muha mmad ) their faults with gracious forgiveness },{ Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish ( i. e. don't punish them ) }, { Who   repress anger, and who pardon men; verily,   Allah loves Al-Muhsinun   ( the good-doers ) }, and { And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be from the things recommended y Allah. }† The Prophet (blessing and peace be upon him) says about the virtue of pardoning:†I saw palaces overlooking Paradise so I asked Jibril, who are those palaces for? He said: â€Å"Who repress anger and pardon men†. Mu’adh Ibn Jabal l said:† When the Messenger of Allah sent me to Yemen he said: â€Å"Jibril kept advising me for pardoning â€Å"forgiving† people, hadn’t I firm knowledge of Allah, I would say he recommends me to leave hudud (the prescribed punishments)†.The Prophet said: â€Å"Whoever controls his anger at the time when he has the means to act upon th at, Allah will call him before all of mankind on the Day of Resurrection, and will let him choose of the Hur al-‘Ayn whoever he wants. † prophet muhammad (pbuh) is the ultimate human example on being patient with one's wife(s). in spite of his highness at allah's sight and at people's, it has never been heard of a man who had more patience with his wife(s). researching prophet muhammad's patience, you will come across enough evidence.He used to treat them kindly. lady ‘a’isha, may allah be pleased with her, said: â€Å"prophet muhammad (pbuh) told me: â€Å"i can tell when you are pleased with me and when you are not. † i said: â€Å"how can you tell? † he said: â€Å"if you are pleased with me you swear saying: â€Å"no, by muhammad's lord† and if you are not, you swear saying: â€Å"no, by abraham's lord. â€Å"† she said: â€Å"yes by allah, prophet of allah. i can only abandon your name. † this saying ‘hadith' is from al bukhari. nas, may allah be pleased with him, reported: â€Å"the prophet of allah (pbuh) was with one of his wives then another wife sent him a plate of food. the one that the prophet was at her home hit the hand of the servant who was carrying the plate. it fell down and broke into two pieces. the prophet collected the broken pieces and the food and said: â€Å"your mother [his wife] is jealous. † he then kept the servant until he brought a new plate from the wife who broke the plate to give it to the other wife and kept the broken one at the home of the one who broke it. † narrated by al bukhari

The Acquisition And Integration Of Zanussi

The acquisition of different companies always indicates a change for both the acquiring and the acquired organisation and the people within. To successfully combine and integrate Elektrolux and Zanussi it is essential to consider both organisations ´ formal and informal structures which are heavily influenced by their culture. Culture develops on the one hand nationwide but also specifically in an organisation. Building up trust is important to develop a working informal network, which supports the formal structure. Thus positive influence is taken on the selected behaviour of people within what Breton and Wintrobe call â€Å"bureaucracies†. This behaviour is characteristically competitive, especially in such times of major change. This change should be managed step-by-step and is described by Quinn as logical incrementalism. It builds â€Å"the seeds of understanding, identity, and commitment into the very processes† (Quinn, p145) and is the underlying strategy which makes integration successful. After Elektrolux announced the acquisition of Zanussi, both organisations and people within were confronted with many changes which created tensions or misfits that called for new visions.(Normann in Quinn, p99) As a first step, mission values and guiding principles of Zanussi were made public to the employees in the Mission Statement.(Exhibit 3 in Case Study, p914) From the bottom-up they should understand step-by-step in a learning process (Normann in Quinn, p99) what behaviour was generally expected and correct. Bennis and others (in Quinn, p101) also agree that â€Å"programs to achieve significant change must be phased and largely undertaken bottom up, but the legitimacy of alternatives must be affirmed by the support of key people at the top.† Besides the new Mission Statement, education and training programmes were undertaken to diffuse the new philosophy and policy. Thus the rules for building up an effective network are made visible. This network supports the formal structure. Breton and Wintrobe also assume that â€Å"relationships between superiors and subordinates in bureaus are generally governed by exchange and trade and not by the giving of orders and directives.† Exchange can only take place, if property rights are existing and are supported by â€Å"trust† (Breton and Wintrobe, p4) Trust is essential for the functioning of networks and has to be built up incrementally. One effective way of building up trust is by making â€Å"symbolic moves† (q,111). In addition to this, the â€Å"most important changes are often those which signal a change in attitude at the top of an organisation.† (Riccardo and Cafiero in Quinn, p112). Elektrolux made extensive use of these symbolic moves. One was that Elektrolux took over several prior commitments of Zanussi, although they were considered as disadvantageous for the joint strategy (Case, p900). Right after signing the final agreement, the complete Zanussi top-management was released. Replacing only one senior manager below the top-management, Elektrolux ´s purpose was to give a clear signal of the need to change working practices. To communicate these changes, Mr. Rossignolo was seen as the perfect change agent, because he is Italian and knows the Swedish organisation culture. But he also had to build up trust with the Italians, who considered him closer to Sweden than Italy. In respond to this attitude, an external consultant was brought in. As Mr. Estes says, â€Å"you don ´t try to ram your conclusions down people†s throats. You try to persuade people what has to be done and provide confidence and leadership for them.†(Quinn, p136) By this Mr. Rossignolo set a sign that he does not want to take one party†s side, but that he is neutral and therefore he increased the Italian ´s trust in his person. According to the mission statement, Elektrolux central value is â€Å"transparency†, or openness. To integrate this in Zanussi ´s culture was one of the major tasks the Swedish had to achieve. Conflicts were part of the Italian†s daily life. Seniority and loyalty to individuals were seen as more important than competence or commitment to the company. They were also not convinced of need for change and thought financial problems were due to former owners mistakes. The Italians feared loosing their power not only to another company, but even worse to one from a foreign culture. In response to this attitude, Hans Werthen set a sign to the Italians when he said:† We are not buying companies in order to close them down, but to turn them into profitable ventures†¦ and we are not Vikings, who were Norwegians, anyway.† (Case, p901) Impressively, he demonstrated that openness is a practical part of the new culture. With the same openness, Elektrolux gained the trust of the important Unions, who have a high influence in the Italian organisation culture. Without the approval of the Unions, it would have been difficult to take over Zanussi. Openness is a general Elektrolux attitude, but as Quinn describes, there are â€Å"sound political or informational reasons for not announcing a strategy in its full pristine glory at this early stage.† Although not very glorious for the workers, it can be assumed that Elektrolux knew very well that they would have to make redundancies, because no acquisition can be made without. But as â€Å"effective change managers [they] recognise[d] the impact their incremental decisions and action patterns have on credibility [†¦] and tried to keep in mind the symbolic implications each individual act had.† (Quinn, p118) Elektrolux solved the central problem of redundancies incrementally. Their plan was to gain the trust of the Unions by promising not to make any redundancies to successfully acquire Zanussi without opposition of the Unions. Having one foot in the door, they could start making redundancies step-by-step. They took into account that their credibility would suffer negatively proportional to announced redundancies. Although this strategy was accompanied by some strikes and heavy re-negotiations, they still had reached their goal, which was to acquire Zanussi. Although the problems with the Unions had negative impact on Elektrolux reputation, generally it can be said that they effectively communicated their openness and in turn gained trust by the unions and the Italians. Therefore, building up trust is essential when integrating the two companies. Breton and Wintrobe suggest that â€Å"selective behaviour† (p6) is next to trust a second issue in organisational bureaucracy. The subordinates chose from a range of behaviour which reaches from always inefficient to always efficient. Therefore, selective behaviour is the outcome of a trading process, where the outcome is determined by the price offered by superiors for efficient informal services. As example for this serve the front-line managers and professional employees of Zanussi, which fully approved the change in the organisation and demanded a higher degree of involvement. They were rewarded with a special training programme. Building teams and task forces, positively influenced the selected behaviour of the people within the new organisation in several ways and helped to integrate both cultures. As one CEO (in Quinn, p139) said: â€Å"If good people share the same values, they will instinctively act together. We must know how people will respond intuitively when they are thousands of miles away. [†¦] If we [†¦] communicate openly, our actions will be sensible and cohesive.† As Leif Johannsson describes, they â€Å"were able to adopt a completely new way of thinking [†¦] which emerged from the discussions and recommendations of the task forces [†¦]† (Case, p908) The Italians welcomed the â€Å"exchanges, and have learnt a lot from them.† (Case, p911) And as the change agent Rossignolo said: â€Å"We adopted the Swedish work ethic.† (Case, p 907). â€Å"The selection of key people was clearly the most important single ingredient[†¦]† (Quinn, p138) and furthermore, â€Å"the power interactions among key players is important. Each player has a different level of formal authority, referent power, information control and personal credibility.† Quinn describes the process of â€Å"partial consensus† (Q132) which is achieved first within groups and then introduced into organisation. Therefore and according to the Swedish style, the top management of Zanussi was replaced and put together into teams with the Swedish top managers. It was important to build first at this level a mutual understanding, later also on other levels. With the formal meetings, the managers from both cultures were forced to communicate systematically. Later they brought lower level executives into strategic processes on a more comprehensive basis.† (Quinn, p140) This was in response to the increasing demand of the line people to get involved, and also to make them â€Å"know how we are planning to get where we are going.† (General Motors executive in Quinn, p140). Looking more specific at the strategy in selecting the key personnel and the distribution of power in the organisation leads to what Breton and Wintrobe call the â€Å"bureaucratic competition† (p8). They describe competition within and between bureaus and also for network ties as characteristically for organisations. As example for the notion of competition serves the problem which arouse with the middle management. According to the Swedish acquisition style, the top management is replaced, but the middle management kept. Zanussi ´s acquisition strategy is exactly the opposite. Being accustomed to an authoritarian style, the Italians had to adopt Elektrolux ´ democratic and decentralised decision making policy. The lower management appreciated the new possibilities of promotion and therefore demanded higher involvement. They are like the top-management at the end of the organisational hierarchy and can only gain influence. The top-management, naturally to their competition for control, appreciated that they had not â€Å"a single Swedish manager imposed on top.† Whereas the middle management feared the loss of control over their subordinates and property rights. To trigger the competition in the middle management, Elektrolux established direct communication between the top managers and the front-line managers, by-passing the middle management when necessary. Plus, they launched the special training programmes for them. Again, they wanted to set a signal and to stimulate the middle managers ´ competition for membership in networks. At the end of the Case Study (p 911), a senior manager of Zanussi was concerned, that the middle management may be more bureaucratic and less open† and that they â€Å"must develop bridges at the middle and [he frankly does] not know how easy or difficult that may be.† The middle managers felt threatened by the change and the by-passing enforced this feeling. It is difficult to build up trust in such a position. Therefore to â€Å"avoid undercutting intermediate managers, such bypassing must [†¦] be limited to information gathering, with no implication that orders or approvals are given directly to lower levels. [†¦] Line managers are less tempted to screen information when they know bypass channels are operating.† (Q, p106) As described in the case and mentioned before, â€Å"lower levels are also stimulated by the possibility that they may be able to â€Å"talk to the very top†Ã¢â‚¬  (Q, p106), which can be seen as positive integration effect of the by-passing strategy. As second example, the longstanding competition between Elektolux and Zanussi in the sales and marketing division conjured several integration problems in the common organisation. Both sides were unsatisfied with the new strategy in this sector which attacked the power position of the managers. It can be argued that the change of power structure was to quickly and normally â€Å"major strategic changes tended to take many years to accomplish.†. (Q, p133) Psychological commitment of and control over the sales and management departments were not advanced enough to integrate the strategy. â€Å"There [are] too many unknowables in the total environment for managers to program or control† (Quinn, p121) To respond to such unforeseen issues, which can arise internally or externally, the firm has to remain flexible. (according to Quinn, p122). Elektrolux responded to the question of flexibility with a small corportate headquarter, decentralised subsidiaries, few hierarchy levels and task forces. As there is no â€Å"standard method for treating acquisitions† (Case, p896) it allows Elektrolux to respond to the individual circumstances in Zanussi very effectively. As conclusion can be said, that the successful integration of the Swedish and Italian cultures has to be undertaken incrementally. Trust and openess are the key for gaining a mutual understanding and commitment to the joint company. With team working, symbolic actions and extensive communication it is possible to integrate not only the organisations but also the individuals. All this helps to build up a network, which supports the formal structure. Mr. Rossignolo ´s statement that the Italians † adopted the Swedish work ethic† (Case, p907) is similar to Leif Johansson ´s, who said that the Swedish â€Å"adopted a completely new way of thinking.† (Case, p908) and shows that the merger of Elektrolux and Zanussi was in respect of culture and exchange successfully.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comparison Between Gold Rates and Sensex Essay

Correlation : Correlation is a statistical technique that can show whether and how strongly pairs of variables are related. Correlation is computed into what is known as the correlation coefficient, which ranges between -1 and +1. Perfect positive correlation (a correlation co-efficient of +1) implies that as one security moves, either up or down, the other security will move in lockstep, in the same direction. Alternatively, perfect negative correlation means that if one security moves in either direction the security that is perfectly negatively correlated will move in the opposite direction. If the correlation is 0, the movements of the securities are said to have no correlation; they are completely random. Regression analysis: It involves identifying the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Case Analysis The initial analysis compares two Asset index prices the SENSEX and the GOLD. The Sensex has the top 30 stocks. The Gold is an important Asset in terms on Investment as it also offers the benefit on diversifying the Portfolio risk. To apply the Correlation and regression concept, we consider an investor who plans to invest in Gold looking at the rise in the gold prices. He is still reluctant if he should choose Gold as an investment option or if he should consider investing in some other investment options based on Sensex. as on 15th September 2012. Hence, he plans to carry out a research on the same, for which he attends a seminar on â€Å"Investment Opportunities†. There was a debate amongst the Financial Analysts – â€Å"Does Sensex rates affect Gold prices?† Analyst1 : Gold prices have been on an uptick since 2000, while the stock market declined from 2000 to 2003 and then again in 2008. Hence, Sensex fluctuation does not determine the Gold prices i.e. rise in Sensex might not always lead to rise in gold price. Analyst 2: Through the recovery phase that commenced in 2003, gold prices kept rising. Analyst 1: Gold prices normally appreciates in value. Analyst2: Fluctuations in Gold prices are determined by the fluctuations in Sensex i.e.: Decline In sensex. This created a confusion. Hence, to clarify the confusion he plans to study the price trends of the Gold rates and the Sensex for the dates ranging from June 1st’2012 – August 31st2012. After checking the correlation he found that the correlation between the closing prices on Gold and Sensex was 0.24 which was weak. Thus, he decided that Sensex rates was not the only factor to consider investment in Gold. Otherwise, Gold is a good option for investment as it provides diversification and hedging in investment. Conclusion: Correlation between Gold and Sensex is 0.24 which is positive and weak. Thus, based on this correlation change in Sensex has an effect on Gold rate but it is very small.

PAst Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PAst Education - Assignment Example The justification for this goal concerned the need for students to acquire prerequisite skills and knowledge in order to progress through his challenging curriculum. A teacher’s failure to provide a sound grounding in key content at one level can seriously jeopardize a student’s chances for success at the next level (Duke & Daniel, 2013). School improvement planners assumed the school should pay very close attention to its vertical articulation, since the school’s curriculum was constantly evolving. The second goal addressed ethical concerns. In a high-performing environment, students are tempted to cheat, plagiarize and take advantage of teachers’ trust. To maintain the integrity of program provided, steps were to be taken to apprise students and parents of ethical violations and school expectations. The third goal recognized the importance of maintaining a school climate that welcomes and supports diversity (Duke & Daniel, 2013). The school improvement p lanners did not believe that excellence and equity were mutually exclusive. In addition, the goal included obtaining scholarships to enable needy students to attend summer programs designed to prepare them for Jefferson’s curriculum and providing liaisons to high-need elementary and middle schools so that young students would understand what they needed to be successful citizens. The credence public schools were only for children of the poor, long hampered the acceptance of the idea that they should exist for all children. Mann had a different view on education that encompassed having a common school for every citizen. It was his utter commitment in ensuring common schools that political stability and social harmony depended on universal education. He cited common schools would be open to all children by declaring that support for nonsectarian common schools was a religious as well as a civic duty. Capability can be thought about at both the individual and social

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Management - Essay Example As the Plant Manager and with my style of leadership, I am confident that this can be improved and the issues among the management and the employees can be sorted out in an amicable manner. One of my biggest strengths is the ability to negotiate and to create a working environment where the employees and management can work in accordance with each other. The need for a sensitive, understanding, and a good negotiator will assist in solving the current issue. As the plant manager, my aim is to ensure that the change process within the organization is as smooth as possible and it has a complete win – win situation for both sides, i.e. employees and management. The next weekly managers meeting could bring out the implementation of a knowledge management system within the organization along with managers being made responsible to let the employees know of the current changes and plans of the management. This will allow the employees to be sure that the dealings and changes are all transparent and the employees will have a basic idea of what can be expected. Also, the development of the knowledge management systems will allow the employees to manage and leverage information and knowledge within the organization so as to improve decision-making and gain competitive advantage. In addition, knowledge management activities have tried to capture the tacit knowledge that people carry around with them, what they learn and observe from experience rather than what is explicitly stated in different forms. People have to be recognized as valuable assets and is much more than merely capturing data or manipulating it to obtain information. Managing intellectual capital requires a change in mindset. Use of this along with being transformational leaders will help the company grow to a great extent and will reduce the employee issues. This type of leadership is a case where the one or more people together with the others

Satisfying all stakeholders when the business is competing in mature Essay - 1

Satisfying all stakeholders when the business is competing in mature product markets is difficult. Discuss - Essay Example Another handicap facing mature products is that the markets they operate in are likely to be mature as well, making growth prospects for the product as well as industry very tough. The rest of this essay will present various factors that have a bearing on stakeholders when a business is competing in mature product markets. Shareholders are one of the main (if not the most important) stakeholders to a company’s prospects. And equity markets are the arena where they can hope to claim their rewards. But increasing share price on a consistent and non-volatile manner is very difficult in mature product markets. For example, â€Å"Equity markets both reward companies that outpace growth in their sector and that show significantly higher price/earnings multiples than their competitors. But, since 80 per cent of equity markets grow only as fast as their country's gross domestic product - that is, at a rate that rarely pushes beyond the low single digits, an organization that seeks to outpace a mature equity market and achieve double-digit revenue growth faces a steep uphill climb. A company can attempt to take market share, but competitors in a mature market will work just as vigorously to defend their customer base. Higher revenue does not always signal success anyway, since revenue gains almost always hurt margins, and can precipitate a price war that devalues the entire market.† (Magrath, 2005) The telecommunications industry offers opportunities for studying marketability of mature products. This is so because, although digital and satellite communications technology were invented only a couple of decades ago, the rapid rate of growth ensured maturity of both the industry as well as its products. The recent developments in the telecommunications industry in the Middle East illustrates common challenges faced by mature products and mature markets. The quarterly performance of these telecom companies after the first quarter of 2009 shows how growth can be stagnant or in decline for mature product markets. During this period, Saudi Telecom reported a whopping 69 percent dip in its net profit figures. Etisalat, another major firm in the region, reported a 20 percent drop in profits in the same period. Smaller players too, including Maroc Telecom and Zain, performed likewise. (Hadfield, 2009) These examples illustrate how difficult it has become for managements to satisfy stakeholders in a mature product business. It is a sign of problems identified with mature markets that investors are looking at opportunities in emerging markets. An increasing share of the world’s capital is now being directed to equities and other derivative products in emerging economies. In the era of globalization, the flow of financial capital is a vital parameter. Financial products and derivative products transacted via stock exchanges trans-nationally have matured as a product over the years. This means that there is now vast empirical data to draw theories upon. This has also had the effect of increasing the degree of volatility in these markets. Investment firms and individual investors look toward emerging markets despite their high volatility due to the following reasons: higher average returns, lower correlations than developed markets, and more predictable returns. Each of these characteristics has made the volatility

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Airline Regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Airline Regulation - Essay Example The first major benefit the airline industry would gain would be the safety of its passengers. Section 601(b) of the FA Act specifies, in part, that when issuing certificates, the FAA shall give full consideration "to the duty resting upon air carriers to perform their services with the highest possible degree of safety in the public interest . . ."  Why? Because safety is also related to profitability of an airline company! The first step would be to establish the fact that safety issue is not just about accidents, it is also about prevention. Accidents are few but they cost the company a lot of money in terms of insurance payment as well as bad publicity. In a study made by Mitchell and Maloney ( 1989) it was revealed that â€Å"found that share price falls can be attributed both to the projected future costs of higher insurance and to a brand name effect associated at-fault attribution â€Å" ( qtd from. Button,1997 ). Bad publicity is bad marketing and people lose trust in a certain carrier that is involved with frequent accidents. If management wants to avoid costs, then it must pay attention to its safety programs. The best possible way to change the management’s view about safety is to make a presentation that would justify safety as a way to minimize future costs. I would ask a group of industry specialists on safety to present to the management the benefits of safety to our company and relate it to financial matters. The only problem with the implementation of safety is that some airlines do get favorable treatment from the government. Popular participation from citizens such as lobbying in Congress as well as writing the government should put pressure to the government to be more tight in its monitoring and control of private airline companies. It is not evil to make profit out of rendering service, that is free trade. However, profit is not

Business Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Business Plan - Term Paper Example Furthermore, the company’s integrated sales team is highly experienced and ensures providing world class services to the clients and customers. In the world of globalization the company is looking forward towards expanding its base to reach out to all the communities around the US and the world. The market analysis provides a clear picture about the emerging industry throughout the world. Mobile phones have become an important medium of communication with variety of features incorporated within. The industry is one of the largest profitable segments amongst all other necessity products. Orange Mobile Communication’s prime objective is to provide customers, especially the younger generation with technologies that have not been introduced by any other competitor. Its focus towards customers will ensure better understanding of the buying pattern. This will enable the company in minimizing stocks and manufacture those products that are highly in demand. Moreover, the external supply chain will ensure effective deliverables within the prescribed period. Telecom Industry is booming in recent times. The product has changed its category from luxury to necessity goods due to the convenience it provides to the users. The effect of internationalization has therefore, ensured many big players to launch unique features in order to increase the sales of the mobile phones. The employees are committed towards achieving the goals of the organizations and value its principles for competitive market growth and sustainability. The company, Orange Mobile Communications is committed towards providing high quality products with unique features at affordable prices. Furthermore, it is dedicated in providing high level services to its customers and clients by ensuring convenient locations of retail stores and efficient and effective solutions. Orange Mobile Communications is determined in becoming the

Theatre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theatre - Essay Example One of the ‘true masterpieces of modern drama ’as described by Robert Cohen is Tony Kushner’s ‘Angels In America.’ This thrilling panache of a play received critical acclaim right from its inception and went on to win laurels such as the Tony Award and the Pulitzer Prize, in 1993. It is a seven hour long play made up of two parts that captured the contemporary theatre scene in America and by the year 1995 was absorbed into the international repertoire of drama festivals across the world. Described as one of 20th century’s most humorous plays, the centrifugal point of Kushner’s AIDS crisis is no laughing matter. He deftly brings to the forefront many of the unsettled ethical issues in American culture such as religion, race, politics, gender and sexual orientation. The play revolves around a heterosexual couple who is pitted against a homosexual couple and both stories are interwoven with each other highlighting the hate and trauma of the Jewish lawyer who is a gay with AIDS, but is in great self- denial. Many critics have criticized the play for the in your face kind of ethical issues of nudity on stage, the horrifying depictions of people suffering from AIDS, satire that is savagely religious, the cursing and swearing with invectives and to top it all the gross miming of homosexual acts which goes against the conservative nature of a major part of the audience. Quite similar where an odd couple romance is concerned is Neil LaBute’s humor – studded play titled ‘Fat Pig’ which is a genuinely engaging love story of two quite different characters, Tom, the totally sympathetic character and the heart-wrenching and amply endowed Helen. Unlike the ethical issues in Angels, LaBute jogs our memory to the kind of attitude we have towards ethical issues such as plastic surgery, stomach stapling and our association of success with youthful and athletic looks. Though the idea of a sweet romance between a stout

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nurses Role in the Field of Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nurses Role in the Field of Health Care - Essay Example Professional nurses require a legal system that regulates their professional and or ethical activity. In addition, there are professional bodies that are responsible for admitting different professionals into the mainstream practice after training and certification. Nursing regulatory bodies admit these professionals into the profession after assessing and evaluating their suitability to become professional nurses. Professional nursing and Nursing stereotypes A professional nurse should embrace patients as well as the loved ones/caretakers in good faith. They should not only be willing but love their work to succeed in caring for patients. Services to patients should be put first before any other thing, financial interest included. In addition, nurses need to be presentable at all times (Allen, 2001). The appearance of a nurse should always be pleasant to everyone as this will be interpretive of the quality of service he offers. Nursing has been invariantly labeled as a career for th e feminine. The public views this profession as a reserve for the female gender and should not be ventured into by the males. In fact, some of the male nurses have been labeled as pansy and their sexual orientation questioned. Moreover, nurses are also viewed as subservient compared to the medical professionals and often seen as sub-standard workers to the physicians and effeminate type casting on the male nurses. Plainly speaking, nursing is not entirely a feminine affair. Both males and females have the capability to pursue this career as a choice. Secondly, nursing complements other healthcare skills and not necessarily subservient to them. Without nursing, the role and successes of the medical doctors are largely limited and may hardly operate. It is important to note that the disciplines in the medical loci are intertwined in terms of roles and none is subservient to the other. Role of Nurses Unknown To the Public A nurse acts as the patient’s advocate. For instance, a n urse will always support the needs of a patient first. The public is usually unaware of this role of nurses. Secondly, unaware to the public, nurses are involved in the spiritual wellbeing of the patient. It is quite essential that patients are counseled and guided spiritually according to their beliefs; such acts would include bible discussion and spiritual uplifting through prayers and meditation, depending on the beliefs of the patient in question. Among nursing theorist that are real role models to current and aspiring nurses is Dorothea Orem. This assertion is due to fact that many nurses always embrace her theory of â€Å"self-care being a basic human requirement.† Orea asserts that people are distinct individuals and should be primarily responsible for their own care before eventually â€Å"devolving† care to other members of the society (Gordon, 2005). Nurses and Medical Doctors At personal levels, many nurses do not confide to the opinion that nursing as a car eer merely involves following up instructions from doctors. Instead they implement the instructions given to them by doctors. This function they do not do blindly but in line with their professional skills and trainings. They are not being ordered on what to do; rather, they already have the knowledge of everything required of them (Larrabbee, 2009). Nurses are also responsible of the well-being of their patients (Nettina, 2001). In fact, the recovery of patient

Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Evolution - Essay Example one has ever seen evolution happen, and that if it were a process in progress, evolution should still be right on course with numerous observable "transitional" forms of evidence. The arguments above are but valid in a sense for evolutionary processes in terms of changes in the genetic makeup across populations deem to have been observed in an array of scientific contexts, that include basic laboratory experiments with fruit flies, scientifically known as Drosophila melanogaster and even bacteria have never produced new types of insects. Chemically induced mutations in such organisms have only resulted in mild changes, which include, in the case of fruit flies, those with oversized to no wings, white or even purple eyes (DeBenedictis 383). The minor changes have never had significant change on the organisms, with the changes limited to variations. Even with such experiments being repeated over and over again since Darwin invented the theory, fruit flies remain fruit flies; not a single experiment has successfully changed the organism to a different species (Franklin

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Solution for a problem in the contraction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Solution for a problem in the contraction - Essay Example All the same, the contract with the city managers was exclusively related to loans and the terms agreed had no mention of leases. As such, Wasserman’s lease deal was very attractive and promised Davenport huge profits. Therefore, leasing the property to Wasserman, who could then sublease to the tenants did not violate the terms of agreement; the immediate usage of the property would continue as agreed. Thus, Davenport would be right in leasing the property to Wasserman while at the same time respecting the loan terms not to change the usage or ownership of the property within the stipulated period. All the same, Davenport faces some unethical dilemma. Any contractual deal has to be in good faith and to the best interests of the two parties involved (Hellman 2011). As such, any change or implied change in terms of agreement breaches this good will and partially changes the terms of the investment in question. In the case above, though the agreement with the city managers did not address the issue of leases, leasing the property to Wasserman with the promise of the latter buying the property afterwards amounted to forfeiting the ownership of the property to the second owner, while at the same time pretending that the terms of the agreement were still intact, to benefit unethically from the mortgage waiver. Therefore, in the above deal, though Davenport was legally correct, there were some ethical issues involved in the deal with Wassermann. Helman, Christopher. Chesapeake Energy: Whats Up With These Lawsuits? Forbes. Jan 11, 2011. March 19,

Creating Your Dream Job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Creating Your Dream Job - Essay Example But, as I matured I came to discover my sheer love for kids and teenagers. They are like fine clay which can be moulded into a great art form if they land in the hands of a teacher who inspire. I believe guiding the students morally in their formative years will put an end to many evils in this country. I hope to start my teaching career in the Wellesley high school a famous institution with nearly 1300 students and 75 teachers. People working in the school with the right qualification and over 8 years of experience are selected for the post of the principal through internal recruitment. External recruitment for such reliable position is considered to be costly, time consuming and a tedious process (Armstrong, 1984) by the board members of Wellesley high school. Job Specifications for the High School Principal Post Management and Quality 1. Should manage the school by leading the staff, inspiring the students to work hard and ensure the school is administered well. There are many mod els in organizational management like the motivational model and the mechanistic model. The motivational model will best in this atmosphere. Motivational model requires a leader to train his employees well, remove boredom from work and provide them interesting situations to work with where they can easily unleash their creativity (John, 1989). The greatest challenge the Wellesley school faces is finding and retaining good teachers. So the principle 2. Should be capable of tackling high attrition using innovative motivational theory based ideas. 3. Can frame any new policies regarding the maintenance and development of the school. 4. Should report to the board about how the new policies have influenced the staff and the students positively during the annual review. Adherence to the Rules Ensure every government regulation related to hiring of staff, setting their remuneration, admission of students, performance evaluation and safety of students is followed precisely without any compe nsation. Implementation of Equality 1. The principal should address the various complaints arising from the staff and among the staff immediately. 2. Guarantee no discrimination based on sex, age, race or any other inclination is prevalent in the Wellesley campus in the way the staffs are treated. Finance Management 1. Demonstrate efficient budget management as the principal is the sole repository for all the finance handled in the school. 2. Maintain clear records regarding the fees collected in the school, the subsidiaries given by the government and the donations collected, with the help of his office staff. 3. Prepare quarterly estimates to be submitted in the board audits. The board will conduct financial audits in three months gap to ensure smooth flow of cash and precise reports regarding money handling are maintained. 4. Use the available resources effectively for the development of the school in every way he deems fit like building new classrooms, rolling out new appraisal packages for the staff, recruiting more helpers etc. Student and Staff Handling A school is an organization where collective and organizational learning should be given ample importance. Every principal should be well fledged in tactics like HRM which will help in gaining competitive advantage over others with the help of the staff (Pravin, 2010). The principal should 1. Convert the school environment into a fun filled and cheerful one. The students

Monday, September 23, 2019

Marketing Design and Innovation Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Design and Innovation - Dissertation Example In other words, it was just a newfangled version of radio with visual device. But today, television sets have numerous features from stylish design to innovative facilities. This paper is entitled to recognise the changing characteristics of television since its invention in early 1900s. In this context, the changing characteristics can be easily identified in the history of television industry. Its shape, colour, sharpness, feasibility, and customer choices have changed rapidly over time. The customers’ choices, their preferences, competition and technological progression can be identified as the main drivers of innovation in this case. The discussion of the paper concentrates on the grounded theory and marketing theory to identify the various changing characteristics of television. 2.0. Synthesis and Review of Literatures According to Doyle (1998), innovation, as a marketing strategy, has several times proved to be the key factor to reward success to many businesses. It is a lso considered to be as the path of attaining higher growth in terms of sales, market shares and others. However, innovation can be referred to as the development of a newly designed product, marketing channels and marketing concepts. Thus, innovation in marketing can be stated as one of the crucial elements to achieve an efficient competitive advantage and growth (Bridgewater & Doyle, 1998). This statement can be well-observed in the case of television industry where analysts claim to witness an extraordinary chain of innovations which brought about changes in shape, colour, size and other features of the genre. For instance, Lachenbruch (1964) stated that in its performance from 1953 to 1956 the television industry reached its maturity similar to radio and phonograph industries. It was the period when almost every household in America had a television set in their living room and thus sales of television begun to fall. By that period, a new version of television was introduced to the market, i.e. colour TVs. This innovation again took the industry to its growth (Lachenbruch, 1964). These kinds of evidences can be witnessed in almost every stage of the industry, especially in terms of style and technology. This shall be evidently identified in the further discussion. 2.1. Change in terms of Style The introduction of television can be identified in the early 1920s when television was presented in two broad paths; one as mechanical and the other as electronic. The mechanical television set was invented by Charles F. Jenkins in 1923. These types of sets were primarily indentified as a 30 line television and used a mechanical framework to produce images on the screen through a spinning disc. The formula was then implied by General Electric in 1928 and used a 24 line television set with a 3 inch screen to display five different frames in a second. In 1927, another scientist, Philo T. Farnsworth invented television which was entirely based on electricity and did no t use any kind of spinning discs or other similar devices. Instead of its mechanical framework, the television set used an image dissector tube. Another speciality of television set was that it could display almost 120 lines with the speed of 24 frames in a second in comparison to the mechanical television set of Jenkins and General Electronics. It was in 1929 when Herbert Ives first introduced a 50

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Essay - 1

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business - Essay Example All contracts must involve (a) at least two parties, (b) parties who have the legal capacity, (c) a manifestation of all the parties in the contract, (d) finally, a consideration that supports legal and enforceable promise. Having the legal capacity means that the individuals are adults and have mental competence. The law is relatively settled if the competent adults are bound by the terms of the contract. Considering the case of Wohoo and Provident Solutions (PS), it involves corporate organizations. A company has the capacity to enter into contractual relations , but such type of relations are only binding on the companies if those acting on behalf of the company do so with express or implied authority of the company, something which was fulfilled by both Wahoo, PS and Clive Software Limited. The essential elements of a contract include: offer and acceptance, free consent, contractual capacity, intentions to create legal relations, illegal and void agreements, and lastly considerat ions. Considering the case of Wohoo Wholesale and Provident Solutions, when PS sub-contracted Clive software on the recommendation of Wohoo to provide software systems, they did so because previously they provided software of very high standard. But since the software installed by Clive brought numerous problems to the organization, Wohoo refused to pay PS for 40 computers in the process with holding 58 computers and five servers as it claims for compensation of the losses incurred by the faulty software installed. This clearly shows that all the essential elements of a contract are not in place. In this context, there is no consideration as there is no price paid for the promise of the other party. Since consideration does not exist, the court is likely to question its adequacy. The court is to intervene because one of the parties, Wohoo has exhibited duress or unconscionable conduct. Typically, courts will not weigh the adequacy of the consideration as long as the consideration is established to be sufficient, with sufficiency being defined as the meeting test of the law; adequacy is the subjective fairness or equivalence. The contract between Wahoo and PS is questionable although the problems emanated from Clive Software (Chen-Wishart, 2007: 212). The manifestation of assent by all the parties that are in agreement signifies acceptance in some way. Therefore, both Wahoo and PS were aware of the status of Clive’s products by accepting it as a sub-contractor. Since the objective standard was met, it means that there is proof that the assent was met. By Wahoo with holding 58 computers and 5 severs narrows down to the elements of an assent. This is because the parties need to come to some meeting of the minds about the terms of the contract. Since the three parties entered into a contract and one or two elements failed to be fulfilled the contract is considered to be null and void. This is because of the unconscionable conduct and misleading conduct of b oth Wahoo and Clive Software affects the enforceability of the contract. To the effect that the contract is considered as void, the parties should be put back to their original positions (Walston-Dunham, 2008: 420-423). Task 1: Question 2 Every business should be aware of standard form of contracts. These are agreements that make use of standardized, the non-negotiated provisions that are usually in the preprinted forms. They are also known as

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Psychology Assessments - Reliability and Validity Essay

Psychology Assessments - Reliability and Validity - Essay Example There are some cases in which an assessment instrument can be reliable but not be valid. Suppose for instance a person used an assessment instrument. There are corresponding results in the assessment using the said instrument. However, the use of the assessment instrument cannot be entirely valid if the person using it is not an expert at understanding the results from the assessment. Thus, this is the same as the assessment instrument is not valid at all considering that it gives results but cannot be acceptable. The assessment instrument therefore has to be used by the right person in order for its result to be valid and in general, it can be reliable. In this case, the reliability and validity of the assessment instrument is associated with its user. Thus, a higher level of reliability cannot be given to the assessment instrument considering that the validity issue is in question. In the above illustration, the entire issue is not a two-way process between the reliability and vali dity issues within the assessment instrument. There has to be another external factor and in this case the level of reliability and validity of an assessment instrument may vary with respect to its user.

Alexander The Great Essay Example for Free

Alexander The Great Essay One of the most popular and secular figure in history is Alexander the Great, who was great military leader and king. As you know he was the son of King Philip II, born in Macedonia (356 BC). His father Philip was a great and energetic ruler of his time. Alexander was taught by Aristotle. He learned philosophy, ethics and politics from him. In very early age he stared showing interest in military and showed his brilliance performance in commanding the Macedonians battles in his teens. He helped won the battle of Chaeronea at 18. THE TIME PERIOD He ascended the throne of his father in 336 BC, after the assassination of his father, and took over Thessaly and Thrace. He greatly expanded the kingdom of Greek and Macedonian. He defeated Persian army in 334 BC at the Granicus River. He was destined to rule Asia after he cut the knot in Phrygia 333 BC. He also defeated Persian King Darius III at the battle of Issus 333 BC. Later he expanded his power to Syria and Phoenicia completely rooting off Persians from their port. One of his greatest military achievement was the conquest of Tyre in 332 after which he overcame Egypt. GEOGRAPHY There he founded Alexandria. Then he took control of East Mediterranean coast and again defeated Darius at Gaugamela. Then he conquered Babylon.   In Persia he formed an empire ruled by both Persians and Macedonians. He also took control of Oxus and Jaxartes rivers and founded more of Alexandria cities. He married Persian princess Roxana. He died at the age of 33 after heavy drinking and buried in Alexandria, Egypt. His conquest extended from Thrace to Egypt and from Greece to Indus Valley and expanded Greek and Macedonian Empire. Under his rule, he conquered almost the entire world of his era and expanded the empire of Macedonia and Greek. CLIMATE OF THE AREA The weather was cloudy and occasionally sunny. RELIGIONS OF THE PEOPLE Alexander thought that he had a divine origin. He believed this because of his mother’s conception that he was born from serpent not Philip. This affected much of the Alexander’s life and at some stage of his life he visited Temple of Ammon in Siwah to consult god and to trace his birth. Just like Hercules birth was traced to Zeus, he considered his origin from serpent, Ammon. He wanted to draw a clear connection between him and Hercules, therefore, the coins he minted bear face of Hercules with great resemblance to Alexander. In this way, he stretched the message of his divine origin through out his conquered world. Alexander was also introduced as proskynesis (the one before him others bow) to proof his divinity. The one who is very superior king and all others are inferior to him and should bow in front of him. After the death of Alexander, his successors started to fight for the domination. His empire was then divided in various small empires, namely Egyptian Empire, Seleucos and Macedonian Empire. Most powerful and strongest among these were Egyptian empire. IMPORTANT PEOPLE OF THE TIME Homer was Alexander’s favorite. He used to sleep with a copy of Iliad under his pillow. He learned a lot from Aristotle. When he was 16, he acted as regent of Macedonia. He then thrashed Thracians and founded a new city Alexandropolis. He also went to the Battle to help Philip and saved his life and army.1 He was first taught by Leonidas, who was very strictly disciplined and instilled in him simpleton and abstinent nature. Then he was taught by Lysimahcus. Lysimachus taught Alexander to play lyre, fine arts, music, poetry and drama. At the age of 13 he was taught by Aristotle. THE POLITICS Alexander ascended the throne after the murder of his father and took hold of the troubled kingdom. Alexander Marched towards Athens and Thebes and towards northern side to take hold of the cities who were threatening to break away from Macedonians after Philip’s death. He subdued Athens and Thebes and repelled northern barbarians. Most of the Alexander’s success was due to political and military strength of Philip. Philip’s large contribution to the Macedonian army and acquisition of alliances with Balkans, strengthened his own kingdom and expansion of their empire in Alexander’s era. Philip ascended to the Macedonian throne in 359 BC. At that time, Macedonia was suffering from a defeat and their political and military power was destroying at the hands of Illyrians.2

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Modern video gaming consoles Essay Example for Free

Modern video gaming consoles Essay Abstract: There are many ways for entertainment, sometimes these activities are very expensive for all people to offer these activities, as solution for this in the 1970s a new entertainment method has been introduced in the market place, and this new method was popularly known as video games [1]. Video games created large impact among the game lovers. Time to time, people who develop video games, introduces different consoles using advance technologies. Today the leading competitors using very advance technologies to market their consoles to the consumers. Among that Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS are some of the high end video gaming consoles which are available in the present arena. These consoles equipped with very advance hardware structure like high powered processors, vast capacity of media and storage, user friendly user interface with multiple options, advanced video output, and controllers with advance technologies. On the other hand another set of video gaming consoles has been dominating in the present world which is motion control based consoles. The top motion control console PlayStaion move and xBox Kinect took the gamers to a different track from the traditional gaming consoles. These type of motion based game consoles provide real time game play to the gamers. Today video gaming industry has become one of the most revenue making business, and the evolution of this device is quite interesting, from the most basic models to today’s very complicate play station gaming devices, the demand for the product grown very rapidly. And further international cyber gaming event have made a great impact among individual who are fond of this aspect. 1. 0 Introduction to modern video gaming consoles The technological development in the area of video gaming is an amazing evolution in the world of digital gaming, the history of the gaming industry runs down to the 1970,s, since then the industry has seen a huge development, which were beyond the imagination of human mind at the time of its discovery. The development in this field can be seen from the change that has occurred to the basic gaming device, in the initial stage this mechanism had only used simple joysticks, but today they have developed in to more complicated joystick and move device with more function, because this equipments come wireless they are convenient to handle. Going beyond the gaming arena, you can use the device in various ways, this technology can be used in other sectors as well, and as steering wills are available we can use this kind of devices in training drive and pilots which can save immense cost to the respective institutions. Further looking far beyond the above we can use this technology in the process of developing war strategies which would eventually save not of money and resource, when handling terrorism. More over by using gaming devices we observe the effectiveness and the efficiency of the human brain, and as per the above discussed this industry has potential to grow in the future. Leading competitors of the video gaming industry such as Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft used their own technological approach to enhance their quality of the product. Time to time they have come up with different products and draw the gamers to a different path. A popular game development company Nintendo announces their new product Nintendo Wii U at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 last year [2]. This most advance console of Nintendo, which built up with amazing features than their previous releases. Nintendo Wii U will be ship with Wii remote an upgraded version, Wii remote plus and the Wii Balance Board. Electronic tycoon Sony introducing their PlayStaion VITA this year, targeting its portable video console customer base [3]. PSVITA will be available on the market from the third quarter of this year; will be carrying lot of feature than the PSP. Sony introduce NVG card, new format of flashcard to store games and enable 3G to connect through internet to access PSN (PlayStation Network) for online gaming experience. GPS, Multi-Touch Touch screen, built-in microphone, two analog sticks, rear Touch Pad, Cross Play support (play online games WITH PS3 users), SIXAXIS motion controls, and front and rear Cameras that allow for AR Games are some of the new features from its original PSP. Section 2 provides an overview about the video gaming consoles. Section 3 is critically reviewed on categories and major developments of the devices. Section 4 describes the technologies involved in modern video gaming consoles, section 5 provides future directions of video gaming consoles, Section 6 discuss about Threats to modern video gaming consoles section 7 explains a discussion about the area. 2. 0 Overview of the modern gaming consoles Over the decades, video gaming culture becomes more popular among the individual who are fond of this aspect. Hence a higher task is assigned for the video game industry to provide the output according to the user requirements. As s result of these different products from different manufactures came to the market in a large scale. In the early 1950’s smaller researches carried on to develop video games and the researches last until the late 1960’s. The golden era of video gaming begins from the early 1970’s and the growth is massive. 1985 Nintendo came up with their new device Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), a separate device which is designed for video gaming. Similar consoles like Sega Master System III, Atari XEGS, Action Max, Commodore 64GS, RDI Halcyon were introduced to the gamers with different technologies. Video gaming consoles industry has been rehabilitee with the entry of Sony Corporation. In the year 1994 Sony introduced an advanced gaming device called PlayStation [4]. While Sony dominating throughout the decade other consoles like Atari Jaguar II, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Nintendo 64DD, Game Boy Color, Playdia were also available in the market. Another notable incident took place in the year of 2001 with the present of Microsoft to the industry. Microsoft makes their present with a remarkable console xBox, which is a big competitor to Sony’s PlayStation 2. Portable devices and Handheld gaming consoles also played a vital role in the video gaming console industry. Motion controller based console is another popular device in today’s gaming field. Motion control based devices came to the market with the present on Nintendo Wii and later Sony and Microsoft introduces their controllers Move and Kinect in late 2000s [5]. The functionality and the efficiency of modern gaming consoles are excellent. At the present there is a high competition between Sony’s PS3 and Microsoft’s xBox 360, while Nintendo dominates the motion control console market. Meanwhile the expectations of eighth generation video gaming consoles are very high. The announcement for PSVITA, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Razer Switchblade, EVO2 were already made and gamers expecting their arrivals. It is expected that Motion control based consoles will dominate the eighth generation video consoles. These eighth generation consoles are expected to have a centralized online system, which is similar to xBox Live and Apple’s game centre. Ported games will be differentiated on platforms via DLC and it facilitates the player to download the game for different platforms. The controller of these consoles will be Controllers will be motion-capable, which comes through an evolution from the SIXAXIS where the motion could be detected by six degree. These consoles will be fully fledged media centers. They are mostly equipped with media streaming, video streaming playback videos through Netflix and adding online video banks like YouTube and Justin. tv. 3. 0 Categories and major developments of modern gaming consoles There are different types of consoles widely available in the market. They can be categorized as motion based console, Controller based consoles, handheld consoles etc. Among that motion based consoles are the very famous one which is popularly used by the gamers. 3. 1 Motion based Consoles These are the most advanced consoles that are available in the market. Japan’s popular game development firm Nintendo introduced their first motion based console Nintendo Wii back in 2005. A big amount of research and development carried out throughout the past and finally Sony Corporation and Microsoft came up with their products. Sony launched their motion controllers Move for their PS3, while Microsoft releases Kinect for xBox. Mean while Nintendo announces their next generation motion based gaming console Nintendo Wii U, which will be built up with advanced technologies than their previous version. These consoles have been built up with massive technologies. 3. 1. 1 PlayStaion Move PS Move bundle contains with a sensor camera and the controller. The controller in the user hand will be detected by the camera and that particular controller will be synchronized with the video game. Once the player moves with the controller, the character in the video game also moves to the direction. FIGURE I: PLAYSTATION MOVE CONNECTED TO A DISPLAY The camera, called Eye is capable of using edge detection, facial recognition, and basic motion tracking to map a room. The glowing Orbs plays an important role to detect the controller by the camera. PS3 Move uses LED tracking and edge detection to determine the controllers distance from the screen. By measuring the size of the orb in relation to the incoming video feed allows the system to calculate the precise distance of the controller from the camera. The color change of the Orbs helps the PS3 eye to differentiate the controllers from other objects that can be captured by the camera and from one another in a multi-controller setup. While determining distance is the primary purpose for the orb design, the orbs also assist in pointer detection. The tilt, rotation, velocity, and orientation of the controller is determine by an array of inertial sensors. Three kinds of sensors have been used in the motion controllers which are accelerometer, a magnetometer, and angular rate sensor. Accelerometer is used to detect the upward orientation of the controller as well as to determine the tilt. Magnetometers are typically used to determine the magnetic field and it helps the system in establishing the directional orientation of the controller. The angular rate sensor is used to measure the velocity of the move controller’s motion. This allows the system to accurately determine the actual speed of how fast the player moves or swings the controller. Motion controllers can be connected to the main console both wired and wireless. Wireless connectivity is based up on Bluetooth, which creates a firm bridge between the console and the Motion controller [6]. 3. 1. 2 Microsoft Kinect for xBox 360 Kinect has been introduced by Microsoft in the year 2010 for their primary gaming console xBox 360. A record making sales occurred world wild after it debuts the market. Kinect use a slightly different technology from PS Move and Nintendo Wii. Kinect only built with a sensor camera, which allows the player to interact with the console without any handheld controller. FIGURE II: PRIME SENSE THAT HAVE BEEN USED IN KINECT Kinect uses Prime Sense’s sensing technology which can maps thousands of points, and can accurately read body movements, complex gestures and even verbal cues [7]. In order to adapt to varying room layouts and sensor positioning, Kinect is capable of automatically adjusting its orientation with a motorized swivel and tilt mechanism built into the base, While the tilt mechanism is pretty solid, it can be damaged by improper care or attempting to manually adjust the sensor. The sensor connects to the Xbox 360 via either the auxiliary port built into the new Xbox 360 S or USB on previous models. The new Xbox 360s auxiliary port is an all-in-one solution that both powers and communicates with the sensor, whereas older systems will have to use an included AC power adapter to power the device. Setting up and calibrating the Kinect can be simple or a bit of a hassle, depending on the type of playing environment. Not only is there an extensive on-screen setup process, but players must physically prepare a room for Kinect. In order to play with Kinect user must choose a clear large space at least 6 feet between the player and the sensor and any object that are intermediate should be moved. Kinect is recommended players play in rooms with bright, even lighting, though our experience showed that just about any lighting environment produces reasonable result. 3. 2 Handheld video gaming console 3. 2. 1 Nintendo Wii U Wii U is the upcoming gaming console of Nintendo, expecting to launch next year. Wii will carry with lot of advance feature from their previous product Nintendo Wii. This console is compatible with Wii peripherals such as Wii control and Wii balance board. Wii U’s Hardware architecture and the design have been completely enhanced with comparing Wii U is Approximately 1. 8 inches tall, 6. 8 inches wide and 10. 5 inches long. An IBM Power Architecture-based multi-core 45 nm microprocessor based on the POWER7 will be use as the CPU, while the GPU will be a custom designed AMD RADEON similar to the R770 chip. FIGURE III: CONTROLS OF WII U AND THE COMPONENT ARCHITECHTURE The console will have internal flash memory, as well as the option to expand its memory using either an SD memory card or an external USB hard disk drive. It will also build up with 12cm proprietary high-density optical discs and 12cm Wii optical disc. Will U will be launched with an amazing port and peripheral functionalities including SD memory card slot (supports SDHC cards), USB 2. 0 ports (2 at front of console, 2 at rear), Sensor Bar power port, AV Multi Out port and HDMI 1. 4 out port. Video output will be sync with 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. Compatible displays over HDMI, composite, component and S-Video while Audio output will be use AV Multi Out connector with Six-channel PCM linear output through HDMI. Wii U. A brand new controller with a complete new design will be shipping along with Nintendo Wii U Approximately, which is 5. 3 inches high, 0. 9 inches deep (not including buttons and other projections) and 9. 0 inches long. The new controller designed with a 16:9, 6. 2 inch touch LED display which contains all the traditional button controls and along with new two analog Circle Pads. The interesting is the potential for the two screens (controller display and the giant display) to work in direct tandem, an extension of ideas tested on DS. A touch screen interface enables play types that have escaped buttons and analogue sticks. Likewise, inbuilt gyroscopes and accelerometers act as a third set of analogue control inputs, allowing gamers to physically move the device to adjust their aim or orientation on screen. Nintendo Wii U is the Nintendo’s sixth home console and the very first console with 1080p high-definition graphics, and features a new controller with an embedded touch screen. This touch screen enables the player to continue the come if the television display turned off [8]. 3. 2. 2 PlayStation VITA Sony Corporation’s upcoming handheld video gaming console, which is expecting to be available in the market from the end of this year. PS Vita will have a 5-inch OLED capacitive touch-screen(960 x 544) capable of multi-touch, 512MB of RAM, 128MB of VRAM, powered by an ARM Cortex Quad-Core A9 chip and a PowerVR SGX GPU. There will be two VGA cameras (front and rear) capable of capturing images at 60 fps. Additional features include 802. 11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2. 1+EDR, 3G radio(optional), ports for game cards, memory cards, SIM cards (only 3G-equipped models), and a multi-use port that can support DC power input, USB, audio input and serial data. PSVITA facilitates it users to voice chat (‘Party Mode’) during the game play. A ‘Live Area’ will be created for the players to receive announcements from the developers and another option called ‘Activity Feed’ is designed to leave the feedback, check player’s recent activity, achievements, rank and the trophies of the friends. PSVITA also allows the players to exchange contents without starting the device which is similar to Nintendo’s 3DS Sreetpass. PSVITA contains a ARM Cortex A9 core (4 core) CPU and a SGX543MP4+ GPU. An advance 5 inches screens with ratio 960 x 544 (16:9) and approx. 16 million colors support will increase the game play. PS VITA also been built with an advanced OLED Multi touch screen. Ps VITA builds with two different memories of 512MB RAM and a VRAM with 128MB. Ps VITA will have two cameras Front with [emailprotected]? 240 (QVGA) and rear with [emailprotected]? 480 (VGA) FIGURE IV: CONTROLS AND THE COMPONENT ARCHITECHTURE OF PLAYSTATION VITA On the wireless side, the system ships with 802. 11 b/g/n wireless networking, Bluetooth 2. 1+EDR (which supports headsets and Bluetooth stereo), and an optional 3G radio, which will be sold as part of a separate model. There will also be ports for game cards, memory cards, SIM cards (on the 3G-equipped models), and a ‘multi-use’ port supporting DC power input, USB, audio input and serial data. On the multimedia area PSVITA supports music formats like MP3 MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 3, MP4 (MPEG-4 AAC), WAVE (Linear PCM) video format like MPEG-4 Simple Profile (AAC), H. 264/MPEG-4 AVC High/Main/Baseline Profile (AAC) and image format like JPEG (Exif 2. 2. 1), TIFF, BMP, GIF, PNG. Ps VITA introduces Always on feature to connect with friends and colleagues anywhere, anytime with Wi-Fi or always-on 3G [9]. It will be ships with Newly designed Dual analog sticks which will enhance the intensity of First Person Shooters games. Another advance option of PS3 integration will be available in Ps VITA. Gamers can play games between PS3 and PlayStation3 continuous and uninterrupted. Multi touch Display will be embedded with Nintendo Wii U which enables many more advance features from their earlier Wii. Augmented Reality games will be supported with Ps VITA which merge the real world and the game world with front and rear camera enabled augmented reality. Present of PlayStaion VITA will be definitely drag the attention of the Hand Held video gaming consoles lover as well as the other people who is addicted to this aspect area of gaming world. 4. 0 Technologies involved in modern video gaming consoles Modern video gaming consoles are equipped with very advance technologies. Gesture recognition, Motion detecting, Image sensoring are some of the popular technologies which have been popularly used by today’s gaming consoles. 4. 1 Gesture recognition This technology Interface with computers using gestures of the human body, typically hand movements. In gesture recognition technology, a camera reads the movements of the human body and communicates the data to a computer that uses the gestures as input to control devices or applications. Nintendo Wii introduced this technology to the gaming console and later Ps Move and xBox Kinect featured with the technology. Nintendo Wii controllers are the very popular devices which use gesture recognition efficiently. This device that serves as the wireless input for the Nintendo Wii gaming console. The Wi i remote can detect motion and rotation in three dimensions through the use of accelerometer technology. Separating the controller from the gaming console, the accelerometer data can be used as input for gesture recognition. FIGURE IV THE Wii CONTROLLER (Wiimote) 4. 2 Motion detecting Another advanced technology widely used in modern gaming consoles. Sony’s PlayStation Move combines a video camera with a physical controller packed with motion-sensing electronics, making it the technological cross between Kinect and the Nintendo Wii. The Move Motion Controller, or wand, combines a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetic sensor (a sort of digital compass that uses the Earths magnetic field to determine the controllers orientation) to track the controller in three dimensions, while the glowing ball at the end gives the PlayStation Eye camera a visual reference for handling aiming, cursor movement, and other motion. Like Kinect, PlayStation Move requires room to function; Sony recommends 5 to 9 feet between the player and the Play station Eye, but you can play anywhere from 2 to 10 feet of the camera. In Nintendo Wii, all the motion-control magic is in the remote. An accelerometer tracks movement, while an IR sensor monitors the positioning of lights emitted by the sensor bar. Its motion-sensing abilities werent so great at first; initially, your movements with the Wiimote were reflected only approximately in games with gestures and broad motions. The addition of Wii MotionPlus, an accessory that gives the Wiimote a gyroscope sensor to complement the accelerometer, improves the motion detection greatly. Nintendo recently began to sell the Wii Remote Plus, a Wiimote with built-in MotionPlus sensors, removing the need for a separate accessory. The Wiis biggest weakness is its graphics; unlike the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the Wii doesnt display high-definition content. FIGURE V THE PS3 MOVE xBox Kinect using totally different motion detecting techniques from Ps Move and Nintendo Wii. Camera plays an important role in detecting the motion of the player older software programs used differences in color and texture to distinguish objects from their backgrounds. PrimeSense, the company whose tech powers Kinect and recent Microsoft acquisition Canesta use a different model. The camera transmits invisible near-infrared light and measures its â€Å"time of flight† after it reflect off the objects. Time-of-flight works like sonar also been used to detecting the motion If you know how long the light takes to return, you know how far away an object is. Cast a big field, with lots of pings going back and forth at the speed of light, and you can know how far away a lot of objects are. Using an infrared generator also partially solves the problem of ambient light. Since the sensor isn’t designed to register visible light, it doesn’t get quite as many false positives. PrimeSense and Kinect go one step further and encode information in the near-IR light. As that information is returned, some of it is deformed — which in turn can help generate a finer image of those objects’ 3-D texture, not just their depth. FIGURE VI HOW KINECT DETECT THE MOTION OF THE PLAYER These types of advanced technologies providing a new dimension to video gaming industry. Developments with these new technologies are carrying out very rapidly and new invents are introducing time to time by the competitors. 5. 0 Future directions of video gaming consoles A very high demand for video gaming consoles have been created over the decade and expectation for future gaming consoles are very high. Almost predictions about Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s xBox 720 have been raised, though the two companies are not reveling about their future product [10]. With the new 3d technology and realistic HD displays console are surely becoming truly powerful multimedia machines. With the combination of features and ease of use, the future consoles will definitely be a worthy competitor against powerful desktop gaming computers which was not possible before. Future gaming consoles will be consider on enhancing features like Media Storage, Hardware Features, Hardware Processing Power, Controllers, Online Networks etc [11]. Also invention of new technology will be boosting the video gaming industry. 6. 0 Threats to modern video gaming consoles Domination of the multimedia based gaming devices has been increased over the decades, and different devices introduced to the market in different forms. Among that Smart phones and tablet PC has been consider as strong competition to the video gaming consoles. Highly portability, multiple purpose usage, high end gaming experience, less expensive, are some of the significant features of the Smart phones. Modern and future gaming console should take these threats as a serious issue. 7. 0 Discussion Although various types of video gaming consoles developed over the years, using different technologies there are some common advance features of the prevailing video gaming consoles. * Advance Graphics: High end multimedia graphics and video output of 1080p in High Definition with 3D enabled . * Hardware Processing Power: enhanced CPU with capable of multi processing. * Social networking: Share the achievements with social networks website like twitter and facebook. * Online Gaming: Enable players to experience the online gaming * Media Storages: Highly capacity media storage to store as many games as possible Acknowledgement I would like to thank my project supervisor Dr. L. Ranathunga who gave me advices throughout the paper and lot of insight on how to properly set this paper up. Also I would like to thank video gaming console manufactures who gave me this wonderful opportunity to review about their modern gaming consoles. References [1] Tech, S. , Video Game Consoles (1970 Present), http://techyshit. com/45-video-game-consoles-1970-present/, Date of Access: 10. 10. 2011 [2] Saenz, A. , Nintendo’s New Wii U Wows at E3, and Changes gaming forever Again, http://singularityhub. com/2011/06/07/nintendos-new-wii-u-wows-at-e3-and-changes-gaming-forever-again/, Date of Access: 10. 10. 2011 [3] Associated Press, Sony: PS Vita to miss 2011 release in US and Europe, http://www. computerandvideogames. com/314207/playstation-vita-release-date-is-2011-in-japan-2012-in-us-and-europe/, Date of Access: 10. 10. 2011. 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